Friday, June 25, 2010


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Taking care of ourselves

So do you? Take care of yourself, that is? Here are some of Sheila Wray Gregoire’s comments on the topic.

Perhaps you’re reading this post thinking, “I wish I could worry about being too busy!” Don’t worry; the time will come. And like I said, the busy-ness does not all have to do with speaking. If you can see you have a busy personal time, just don’t take engagements then. It’s not worth it, and you’re far more likely to become ill and run down.

You can find the rest of Sheila Wray Gregoire’s comments here

Who knew? I thought I needed to pour out my life to God and that included setting aside everything to speak, no matter where. No matter if it was a family grad, or a funeral or a celebration of some kind.
No? Why didn’t you say so sooner , Sheila! Where were you when I needed you?

Posted in Biblical, Gluttony and You, God, Kelly Mortimer, Sheila Wray Gregoire, abuse, common sense, eating disorders, emotions, feelings, grandmothers necklace, heart, humor, journaling, parenting, personal care, writing | Leave a comment | Edit

I’m Torn

What is my niche? Why would you want to read any of my stuff? Why would I even want to write it?

I hope you will come to trust me for my honesty. Like Popeye, I am who I say I am.

And that is? A still slightly overweight, slightly middle-aged gal with aspirations to be all that God says I can be.

I’ve been daring myself lately. Daring myself to take bigger bites out of life. Spending more time in worship. Hanging out with God more. The results are clear to me. Maybe you can’t see it yet. Perhaps my inside hasn’t yet reached my outside… But I continue to press on because that’s all God has asked me to do.

So off I went to The Word Guild weekend. Yes. In fear. In trepidation. In expectation.

I’ve been reading great reviews and thanks from many who attended. I want to say thanks too. It was great.

But am I the only one who came away with more fears? Fears that I won’t be able to follow through on my personal commitments? Fears that I am only, after all, a mediocre writer?. Fears that I will never measure up to my own standards, let alone those at TWG?

But then I remember God. who promises that He is able to get me through fear. And so I move forward. Starting the blog that Sheila Wray Gregoire suggested.

Speaking positively in front of the mirror in response to Kelly Mortimer’s Rule of Seven. Selling my first piece via the internet just one day after the conference! Writing heartfelt words on a couple of web pages. Speaking my heart on a local subject or two.

It seems that I found a voice. And it is mine.

Posted in God, Kelly Mortimer, Sheila Wray Gregoire, common sense, emotions, heart, humor, journaling, writing | 3 Comments | Edit

The Angst of Journaling

I can’t always speak the truth so I write it…in my journals (thirty-five spiral ring note books so far).

I sometimes wonder what my eventual readers will have to say about these scribbles. Might they be angry? Most of the books on grief say that anger is part of the recovery process. All right then. Let them get it all out at once!

Sorry that they had not taken the time to know me well? Perhaps. In that case, they might begin to listen more to the heart of those still living.

Decide that they made the right decision after all? Why not? I am not perfect and surely some of my feelings were unjustified. The good thing is that I kept them to myself…until now.

Posted in Biblical, common sense, emotions, feelings, heart, journaling, parenting, writing | Leave a comment | Edit